Captive portal problem
I had a pfsense with squid, squidward, clamav, cicap, snort and captive portal working perfectly.
Today, i changed the LAN and WAN adresses and then , i have this problems :
Captive portal doesnt appear, (but i get access to the ssid and get internet). I tried to access to the portal manually and it worked fine, that is confusing me
Had ICAP protocol error while tried to access some pages
what the trouble? it worked fine until now
thanks your time
The WAN IP changes for millions of us every day or every week. That didn't "break" the portal.
But : changing the LAN could imply far more then "change some data on the Interface page and done". You didn't say what you did - neither if this implies settings on packages like "squid, squidward, clamav, cicap, snort" (I'm using none of these) so ... can't tell from here what you forget to change.
Btw ; but you did find one more reason non to run the captive portal on LAN - thanks for that.