Delay in notification emails from forum?
Anyone else notice a delay.. I get notices when threads get posts that I have posted in.. And just noticed I got a notice an hour ago for a post that was made like 3 hours ago.. So two delay in emails going out?
Not a big deal - emails get delayed sometimes - but wonder if anyone else is seeing this.. Have to look at more notifications, etc. To see if all of them and new ones are being delayed.
Not that I've seen. Sometimes I even get notifications by e-mail before the browser sees them.
headers in the delayed email might indicate where the delay occurred. -
I looked at that.. The delay was from from the sender.. I can dig out some details for sure. But its not that big of deal was curious if any one else noticed it.
Happy to post up any info from headers for sure - but have to be latter heading out to pregame for the cubs game tonight ;) Its Grateful Dead night at Wrigley... heheeh