IPv6 with Captive Portal
We have captive portal running in our network on IPv4. Now we have got IPv6 connectivity.Can we implement captive portal with both IPv4 and IPv6.
Thank You.
The captive portal is a IPv4 only solution. There is no "press-here-and-the-portal -will-be-IPv6-ready" button. Even assigning an IPv6, activating dhcpd6 etc will not make the captive portal IPv6-ready.
It will be a using IPv6 once, no doubt about it, but we all have to wait several years for that one to come.
By nature, the captive portal is a solution to give controled access to the Internet (or extra-net) for unknown visitors and devices. The only thing that counts right now, is this connection. Today, and most probably also tomorrow,an IPv4-only connection will do, as all devices are IPv4 compatible right now.
edit : more details here : https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/1831