Cool, just to document it for all the themers ut there (you and me :D ). I really like your theme and we'll definately will include it. Good job!
Btw, just sent a preview of the theme I was working on during the hackathon to the blog:
Nice work guys, i really like all your themes. pfSense is going to be theme happy now ;)
Hoba where can I find your DNA theme? i really like that one too.. -
That theme will only work on pfsense 2.0 as it really changes the complete colorset which is not doable in the 1.2 branch. I stored the theme on the blog-site as it is too big to be attached here:
Have fun.
Where as the purpose my theme is to work on both 1.2.x and 2 (for now) and give us something new until 2 becomes stable enough for production ;)
the hackathontheme works on 1.2.x as well as on 2.0 too :)
Even better - Is the hackathon theme "thined out" ? I mean can I use it to thin out (remove wast) mine?
Not yet completely. I'm not even sure that I have redrawn all the needed buttons (yes, this theme features a new set of buttons too). When it gets commited consider it being clean of rubbish ;)
Well cheesyboofs since i like your theme too i am going to try to make it work, hopefully it won't break my pfSense box :O pfSense 2.0 can't come any quicker…
Let me know when the themes that works with 1.2.3 is finish and I can add them to the fit123 package if wanted.
Forgive me for being such a noob but how do i copy the downloaded content to /usr/local/www/themes/?
I don't have Secure Shell enabled. Should i use a USB key, if so how do i copy the content from the USB key to that place ??? -
It's just a single tickbox at system>advanced to enable ssh. After that you will be able to copy the files up using a tool like winscp or filezilla. Logon using user "root" and the webgui password. Just copy the extracted files to /usr/local/www/themes/ <themename>and the theme will be selectable at system>general from the dropdownmenu.</themename>
Thanks a lot for the tip. It worked perfectly and now i am using cheesyboofs awesome theme (thanks again cheesyboofs for the nice theme).
Just to make sure, ssh will only work inside of LAN right? Unless i add the firewall rules to WAN…right? -
Just to make sure, ssh will only work inside of LAN right? Unless i add the firewall rules to WAN…right?
now i am using cheesyboofs awesome theme (thanks again cheesyboofs for the nice theme)
Your more than welcome - I'm just glad to give something back to the pfSense community.
Dear Dev's
I have obtained written authorization from The FreeBSD Foundation for use of their logo on the pfSense website and firewall themed interface.
Please add the code-red theme to further releases if desired or required.
Dear M@T,
The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to give permission to use the FreeBSD mark and the FreeBSD Logo on (its) website.
Please make sure you include the proper attribution for the marks as specified in the guidelines located at: This includes statements that say:"The mark FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by with the permission of The FreeBSD Foundation."
"The FreeBSD Logo is a trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by with the permission of The FreeBSD Foundation."
When you use the logo by itself, please include the TM symbol under the right "ear". When you use the logo with the mark FreeBSD, please include the registered trademark symbol, "r in circle," under the mark FreeBSD.
Let me know if you need any examples.Please let me know if you have any questions.
Deb Goodkin
The FreeBSD Foundation
I don't have any real contribution but I wanted to say thanks for the work! The theme looks really nice. Once you are finished with it I plan on putting it on my boxes. :)
Thanks for taking care of getting clearence for the logousage Cheesyboofs! :D
Is it possible to make the logon window shake when you type a wrong password. If you have ever used eyeOS then you know what I mean. Its an AJAX function I believe.
How about adding the temp of CPU too?
Minor Update to add menu shadow - I always wanted this but could never figure out how. Thanks to Holger's new theme pfsense_ng I now know how.
Excellent. This looks really cool. If only I put that much work into my cheap theme…..