2.4.4-RC - SquidGuard issue - Blacklist
Where did you get the RC from? Is it available yet?
OK, I just found that someone else already reported the issue on redmine.
Bug #8752
Fabricio -
@ProxyMoron they've probably done a gitsync. We're working hard on RC, hopefully it's going to happen within the next few days.
The problem is not specifically in the pfsense version, because I also have the problem with version 2.4.3_1 after upgrading the squidguard. It looks like the problem is in the file read code. Squidguard can write the files and apply the rules, but can not read the files to retrieve the rules for the interface.
@Carlos-Renato-Monteiro -
Hello Renato, good to know. I didn't try it with 2.4.3 (production environment).Thanks,
Fabricio. -
I'm trying to find the codes to analyze them. Maybe I can make a temporary fix until a release comes out. Probably must be a silly detail, like apostrophes. Some discrepancy between the recorded formats and what is expected in the reading.
You can find the codes under Github:https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/tree/RELENG_2_4_4/www/pfSense-pkg-squidGuard
In my case the Target Rules field is filled out. The problem is with the Target Rules List. I tested the variable $ upt_val, which should contain the value of the rule, but it comes empty. In summary, the rules seem to be read from the file, but there is some problem filling in the variables passed to or in make_grid_controls. I'm having some difficulty because php is not the "my native language".
I found and fixed the problem:
in the /usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc file
on line 558
change: if (!empty ($val) && is_array ($val)) {
to: if (!empty ($val)) { -
Sounds good. I will test it here Renato. -
Save a backup of the file before editing it.
As a bonus, I changed the grid to show the rule name before the description, because I think it's better:
Line 799: $tbl .= "<td $color> [$name] $description </ td>";
if you use Target Categories for off-time (overtime), remove rows 580, 581, and 582.
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@carlos-renato-monteiro it didn't work. Maybe because you are using 2.4.3 with the old php version. We got different behaviors.
i am also investigating from here.Fabricio.
If you want to post the file (changed), I'll help you check other things.
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Estou com o mesmo problema, atualizei, funcionou tudo direitinho, porém quando vou em GroupACL na parte das Target Rules não aparecem as listas, e quando coloco na mão a regra simplesmente não é salva, e sempre fica no campo como "!all". Ou seja! não consigo usar as Groups ACL do SquidGuard.
Alguém ai com o mesmo problema?
@skala - Sim, é um BUG que aconteceu depois da mudança de versão do php.
Já está postado lá no Forum em Português - Este aqui é só Inglês. -
Por isso não atualizei ainda o Pfsense. Só corrigi o bug do SquidGuard novo no 2.4.3.
some update of this?
because is impossible to use squidGuard in 2.4.4 16 days ago!!! -
Fixed in squidGuard pkg v 1.16.18 which is up now for 2.4.4-RELEASE and will show up with the next snapshots for 2.4.5-DEV