TYPO Invalid magic in some of voucher codes
I am getting TYPO Invalid magic on some of voucher codes.
I searched the forums and found only one reply which didn't relate to my problem.This thing is that I m only getting out for few of the voucher codes.
Are you using custom voucher sizes/parameters?
What version of pfSense are you running?
What exactly are your voucher settings and roll settings?
You don't need to show the public/private key but do show everything else.
@jimp said in TYPO Invalid magic in some of voucher codes:
Are you using custom voucher sizes/parameters?
What version of pfSense are you running?
What exactly are your voucher settings and roll settings?
You don't need to show the public/private key but do show everything else.
1: yes i am using custom paramerters
character set :123456789abcdefghjkmpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZroll bits : 5
ticket bits 16
checksum bits :5
Magic number : 12345342422: Pf version
2.4.3-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) -
That's probably why, it may not have enough bits to do what it needs. If the voucher uses up all the available bits then it has no room left for the magic number.
Why are you using those lower numbers?
I need voucher to be 5-6 characters ideally and 7 chars at most.
I copied those from some post about reducing the length of the voucher from a post floating on this forum.