hyper-v on windows 10 1809
I have a pfsense box running on windows 10 hyperv. Recently I updated windows to version 1809 and the pf download speed went from 180mb+ to around 80mb. The result is the same with a new install of pfsense. The default config results in the same speeds.
I reverted back to windows update 1703 and its at 180+ again so there is a change in how networking works in hyperv with the latest update. Guess its not a pfsense issue (other then a driver update needed in pfsense?) , but I am wondering if other people notice the same ?
refer to this thread
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/ca93a8bc-500a-49e3-be6e-bf3407d8d798/hyperv-is-not-configured-to-enable-processor-resource-controls?forum=win10itprovirti used bcdedit /set hypervisorschedulertype classic to fix the latency, intermittent, and bandwidth issues
this is needed on win10 1803 and 1809