[Feature Request] Add "Expires in" Column or replace "Last renewed" Column with "Expires in" Column
In GUI, please add "Expires in" Column or replace "Last renewed" Column with "Expires in" Column.
A date a few days in the future is easier to recognize at a glance than a date "just a bit less than 3 months in the past" is, increasing the odds of a "holly crap, this thing expires in 3 days and everything will be broken if not renewed" moment.
That's already shown under System > Cert Manager where the certificates are held. The ACME package doesn't track renewal times. Though it's not terribly hard to calculate (last renew +90d).
If you are worried about expiring certificates, add your e-mail address under the account key when making a new cert, then LE will e-mail you if anything gets close to expiring.