Connect VPN Clients to Local network behind other client...
Hi Everybody!
I´m struggeling with setting up pfsense as a VPN Server....
I have my main pfsense running in a VM on Proxmox with 2 network interfaces connect. One for WAN and the other one for LAN. I setup a OpenVPN server in Remote Access (SSL/TLS). All the requiered certs and CA is working. So the basic setup is working. I´m using the /30 topology and client specific overrides to make sure all users will get the same IP any time they connect. This is also working fine.
The 3 clients are Windows/MAC machines with OpenVPN client and 3 pfsense boxes running on ALix Board.But here is my problem....
Let my explain my structure first:
Location: Homeoffice
Internet: dynamic IP with DDNS Service
Router: IP
pfsense: IP
OpenVPN Server with tunnel networkLocation: Office 2 (pfsense running on ALix)
Internet: dynamic IP with DDNS Service
Router: IP
|wan -
pfsense box 1--------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
|lan - |opt1 - Office 3 (pfsense running on ALix)
Internet: dynamic IP with DDNS Service
Router: IP
|wan -
pfsense box 2--------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
|lan - |opt1 - Office 3 (pfsense running on ALix)
Internet: dynamic IP with DDNS Service
Router: IP
|wan -
pfsense box 3--------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
|lan - |opt1 - from different Locations via DSL or LTE:
User-01: --------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
User-02: --------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
User-03: --------------------------------------------------------- connected to VPN Server with
All 3 pfsense boxes do connect to the VPN server in the homeoffice without any problem and receiving same IP address any time they connect.
All the user connected through PC/Mac are also getting a unique IP anytime they connect.
I can see all pfsense boxes and users connected in my main pfsense webinterface.
Here is where I want to get to:
I want User-01 only to reach/ping the local net behind OPT1 on pfsense box1,
User-02 only to reach/ping the local net behind OPT1 on pfsense box2,
User-03 only to reach/ping the local net behind OPT1 on pfsense box3The local networks behind OPT1 are all in the same range ( and this could not be changed because there are running machine with fixed IP addresse in this range.
I´m pretty sure, that this will need some routes and firewall rules, but I really have no idea where to start with.
Would be fine if someone could give me a idea about where to start......
Thank you!!
Conflicting Subnets are nasty and you should avoid them and renumber.
Anyway here is some workaround for your problem
Hi Rico,
thank you for your answer. I had a look to your link. I think this would work, but if the subnet on LAN on the pfsense boxes is changed I need to reconfigure everything.
Is there no option like:
On the VPN Server:
Route ALL traffic from User-01 to VPN network of pfsense box1On the Pfsense Box side:
Route ALL traffic on VPN network to OPT1 networkSorry for my question, but I´m a beginner with OpenVPN and pfsense...
Thank you so much for your support.