Captive Portal (2.4.4) not working on mobile
On Samsung devices and other brand when connect to SSID push notification show on browser URL and body shown "connected" but cannot access captive portal anymore. I try to fix by manual input URL "captive.xxxx.local:8002" it not show anything cannot access to captive portal page. May anyone can help?
As mentionned more or less everywhere in the forum, there is currently a bug on the captive portal : if you edit captive portal settings while users are connected to it, connected users will become in a "rogue state", half connected half disconnected. This is probably what happened to your samsung device
Temporary solutions :
- don't edit your captive portal settings when users are connected
- if you ever have to edit them anyway, go to status->captive portal and click on "disconnect all". This will fully disconnect users
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