Tinydns dnscache configuration not showing in menu in pfSense 1.2.3?
(I originally posted this in the "DNS server testing area", but this is probably a more appropriate place for it. I'll remove the other posting.)
Yesterday evening I installed a recent snapshot build of pfSense 1.2.3 from 3/7. (See my note in the Installation section of the forums.)
I'd like to enable dnscache as a local caching forwarder. That is the way I had set it up on my old firewall, and IMHO it provides a slight but noticeable performance boost, together with some protection in theory against DNS-based attacks.
This morning I added the "dns server" package from the packages menu (and squid, in case it's relevant.) A "DNS Servers" entry was added to the services menu, but it always takes me to the "New zone" wizard to set up a zone in tinydns, which I don't want to do at all.
Was I mistaken in installing the dns server option to get dnscache? If so, can I safely remove the package?
If it does include dnscache, can I configure and enable dnscache from the web interface, or do I need to go do that from the shell command line?
Thanks for any help you can offer.