Trouble creating LAGG - no parent interfaces
I have a brand new Netgate SG-3100 and I am trying to create a LAGG, however I do not have any parent interfaces to choose from. The parent interface section is completely blank and I can't create the LAGG without parent interfaces because I get an error when I try to save.
It seems the 4 LAN interfaces are already configured as switchports.
Can someone please assist me in creating a LAGG on a brand new SG-3100?
Thank you.
- don't be a lazy ass, use the forum search.
Prob good idea to go over the hangout as well just looking at the table of contents lagg is mentioned multiple times.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, I am brand new to pfsense. I wasn't expecting the SG-3100 to have it's built in little switch.
I am finding conflicting information regarding the SG-3100 being able to support LACP on a LAGG.
This post indicates the SG-3100 seems to not support LACP this Netgate article has LACP described for the SG-3100 has LACP listed as a protocol for the SG-3100.
I am still have difficulty created a 2 port LAG to a Cisco switch using LACP and trunking multiple VLANs over it.
Has anyone here been successful at this?
Thank you.