I installed the pfbng and first set using the wizard. Then, I enable DNSBL Categories using Shallalist and enabling porno. I can see rules in each Vlan, the Shalla-porno.txt file is there, the option TDL was selected but nothing is being blocked. Maybe I am forgetting something? I tried Universite de Toulouse with same results, nothing is blocked.
Thank you -
Inspect pfblockerng.log to see what is done.
Thank you, that was the first thing I did but nothing wrong there. No errors when reload either. I really lost. If I load Shallalist in DNSBL feed it works but I can't control each category, that why I wanted to block using DNSBL categories.
Well maybe if you post it here we could tell you more about what's happenning.
@cdls said in pfBlockerNG-devel:
but nothing is being blocked
What version of pfSense ? pfblockerNG ?
So no alerts in the Report tab?
Did you run a Force Update? Force Reload All?
Did you test using the pfSense Diagnostics / DNS Lookup ?
Are you using the Resolver ?
Are the devices on the LAN using the pfSense Resolver service?
Can you open one of the Blocked Domains from Shallalist in a Browser ? You should normally see a web page with this message :
This website [ blocked.domain ] has been blocked by the Network Administrator!
@cdls make sure that you are on version 2.2.5_21 as there was a fix for Category Blacklists.