error loading the rules: no IP adresss found
I have been running pfSense on a VM to secure my network
but recently all trafic from the LAN side of the network started being blocked
after some troubleshooting I found out that on a filter reload the error:
There were error(s) loading the rules: no IP address found for 2400:d3a0:�� - The line in question reads [0]:
I have not been able to find how to fix this error
any help would be appreciated -
The line breaks the RSS feed
@ronpfs That is the final line of the log
I was talking about the RSS feed that get broken with your line.
In you case, maybe look at the aliases to see where that IP is defined. Maybe you put a MAC address in lieu of a hostname.
Ah right
I don't think I have any aliasses defined (not currently on site to check) -
Look at the Firewall Rules then.
I tried disablaling all of them but the same error still appears
Provide more info on your box :
pfsense version, platform, packages installed, system logs files, screenshots of Services configuration , Firewall Aliases / Nats / Rules etc.
This error occurs when pfsense check file /tmp/rules.debug with command
pfctl -o basic -f /tmp/rules.debug
here is this text 2400:d3a0:� � shows that pfctl did not find the IP address for this device/interface (I don't know what it is, very similar to a part of ipv6 address)Try so
and try to find the line 2400:d3a0:
run the ifconfig command
isn't there something similar ? -
Have a look at Diagnostics Arp Table and NDP table