USB wireless adapters
Hello everyone,
I would like to test usb wifi adapters with pfsense 2.4.4 p1 to make it as a wifi router. I am fully aware that its not a recommended solution as external APs are a more feasible option but for the sake of testing it. I have come across this document which shows list of supported adapters but I can't reach a conclusion. I have a Sierra 4G LTE module installed and working. I wish to use a usb wireless adapter and make it a LAN interface (AP mode) so that users can connect to it and exit via the WAN interface (4G module). Below is the document I found on google docs.
Can anyone tell me which usb wifi adapter will actually work that I should buy?
I have a TP-Link TL-WN7200ND that I have used as an access point in the past. It works OK. Range was pretty good, for a 1x1 .11n device. I never really stress tested it.
@stephenw10 Thanks for the reply. May I know how many users were able to connect to the adapter at once without facing issues. Usually on these sort of devices start to choke out when more than 5 users connect and surf at once. Let me know.
I would stick with an external AP, and not try to run that on pfSense, especially from a USB dongle.
That said, I have used these for testing and they work, even on SG-1000s (with an OTA cable):
Not sure how they do under load or what their range is, but for simple local tests they have been OK for me.