One Voucher on First Device
Re: One Voucher Per Device Dear Team,
I am also facing same issue, A voucher can be login to another device and first device goes disconnect, I did lots of search with no success, please support on same.
M.Waqas -
Be aware that most people are aware that a voucher is a private thing.
Sharing often means : the same person that switches from his phone to his portable PC - so basically the same person.Add your name on the feature request (as shown in other threads you cited). A forum post in not very appropriate for this.
Somewhere on this forum I wrote about what to do when you really want to block a second device (first device only). This means some minor edits, but it worked.
I guess it's even possible to blow up the voucher (expire it totally) when it's used on a second device - not very commercial as an attitude but it an be done -
@gertjan can you please share that solution to me since I am looking forward same since couple of days.
I don't have it anymore.
It's posted on a public place : as said : this forum.
I'll Ctrl-F when I have some time left. -
Google still works great !! It's all a matter of words that are unique to the question.
Jackpot on the first link proposed .... ;) Gertjan Voucher Concurrent user logins
As usual : code editing is fine. But you're on your own. No support.
I tested my edits : it worked - back then.
I'm not using the code right now, I'm not not using vouchers.
(I use FreeRadius, and that solution supports "1 user per account" just fine). -
@gertjan great to hear, how free radius is helping on same without voucher ?
"FreeRadius" means : no vouchers as authentication. Just some access codes.
You should generate users & passwords, or just passwords - and use a hidden username that is common among all portal users so you can hide it in the html login page (see pfSence doc/book) - FreeRadius can enforce one user for one logged in account.
As been discussed on this forum many ... (more often ?) times.I should inform you that running a FreeRadius isn't for the faint of heart.