issue on NAT forwarding?
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before. Currently trying to open 80-443 for a vm running NGINX. Whats odd is that the VM has port 443 listening, but i cannot curl or access by IP but on port 80 i can. I was checking states i see alot of TIME_WAIT:TIME_WAIT My question is that when its a time wait would it be issue with NGINX or the states on the NAT? -
TIME_WAIT:TIME_WAIT means the connection was established and closed.
Do you really want to open ports 80-443 or ports 80, 443.
Thanks for the reply. im realizing it might be a NGINX issue on the VM so timewait is that it does not responde to port 443?
No. That would be something like SYN_SENT:CLOSED
TIME_WAIT:TIME_WAIT means the session was established then closed normally.
Packet captures and understanding TCP are your friends here.
Thanks for the reply i think i had something on the states i rebooted and started working just have on quick question it might not be about this topic it has to do with HA proxy but on the same setup (first had to test out the NAT before proceding to HA) I have VIP 181.xx.xx.236 and my wan is 181.xx.xx238 but cant seem to get HA proxy working on the VIP i got working with the WAN see pictures
Thank you