OpenVPN with sTunnel - Routing problem
i've tried to set up openvpn + stunnel. It works so far, but only if I'm adding the following route:
route public.pfsense.ip net_gateway
This breaks for example my internal dns (BTW. Does someone has good documentation about routing?). Without stunnel this route is not necessary.
When I'm pointing the route to my openvpn gateway, nothing works after the connect.
route local.openvpn.pfsense.ip net_gateway
I basically wanna have the same functions, only via stunnel. Is this somehow possible?
Would be great If someone had a tipp for me!
Greetz Yannik
I didn't understand the route command. By adding this line:
route public.pfsense.ip net_gateway
openvpn isn't routing the pfsense public ip through the vpn tunnel.
The problem was that in our environment we force to route the whole traffic through the openvpn server and this broke stunnel. Cause with this configuration openvpn wants stunnel goes trough the vpn tunnel and this ends in timeouts. By excluding the psense public ip (stunnel runs on this ip, too) it keeps the connection, also while vpn is running.
And the dns problem was a different one. I used the gnome vpn manager, before I tested the stunnel-thing with the openvpn command line. Gnome manager was setting everything in a proper way, but the openvpn command line tool not.
So, I had to do the following things:
sudo apt-get install resolvconf Add to openvpn client conf: script-security 2 up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
Greetings Yannik