Site-to-Site with Port Forward
Hi community,
I have a problem with setting up a Site-to-Site for my software producer. They want to access different databases in my LAN. Since this databases are on different servers they wanted me to install a OpenVPN Client on all the different servers.
This wasnt good for me. They came up with the idea to use port forward, and I use my pfsense as the OpenVPN Client.
The Tunnel is up and I created an interface from this. For this I made a port forward.Now I think this should work but I don't see any packets (no passed and no blocked) and the software manufacturer gets a timeout.
I could really use a helping hand here since I dont want to isntall the client directly on the servers.
Thanks in advance!
You need to state a specific destination address. Forwardings with destination "any" to a single host don't work.