Best practice for 'Local Network' setting?
Hi there,
I've just installed my SG-3100 and am in the process of getting the OpenVPN configuration done.
Looking at the configuration Wizard I notice the 'Local Network' setting, something which made me stop to think for a bit.
I've segmented my network with a number of different VLAN's including one for my 'normal' clients which I assume would work for this setting.
But for extra security, granularity and segmentation (and of course complexity ) would it make sense in this scenario to add another VLAN to point the VPN clients to?
One of the benefits I see is that I then could differentiate even more what the connected hosts can and cannot do as well as getting extra logging in.
Besides the added network complexity - is there any other obvious drawbacks to this scenario that I'm missing?
Why do you want the VPN? What is the goal? The VPN clients need access to the local assets they need access to. Only you know what those are.
The idea/goal behind the VPN is to be able to connect in from remote locations as you'd expect.
My question was more around best practice - whether or not it is better to drop the VPN clients onto a different segment than your 'normal' clients? Partly to get better granularity in firewall rules and partly to easier separate them in logs etc.
Since this is my first implementation of OpenVPN on PFSense / Netgate kit I thought I'd ask the question in case there's some issues with routing etc that I'm not aware of yet.
I'm aware that this is 'just' for my home network but the same principles would be applied in 'proper' networks down the line so I want to get my head around best practices from the start.
Like I said, they need access to the things they need access to. Best practice is just like anything else: pass the necessary traffic and block everything else.
OpenVPN clients will ingress your firewall from their own subnet (the tunnel network) and on a discrete virtual interface if you assign one.
The Local networks in an OpenVPN server configuration determine what routes are pushed to the clients. Firewall rules on the OpenVPN tab (and the assigned interface tab if you choose to assign one) determine what connections are allowed into the firewall from VPN clients, regardless of routes pushed.
@Derelict Ok - so things are starting to make sense now, thank you.
One final question if you don't mind? Since I have not run through the wizard yet - still in the planning stage - am I wrong in assuming that after installation there will be a setting somewhere where I can change what routes are pushed to the clients?
VPN > OpenVPN, Servers. You can edit the resulting server any way you like.