Traffic from bridge interfaces to VPN not working
Dear all,
I have configured a site-to-site VPN between two pfSense appliances.
The Client connects to the Server and I see that the connection on the dashboard is establish.
On the network where the Server is, I cannot ping the Client nor the client network.
On the Server I have 3 interfaces:
- WAN (ibg0)
- WIFI (ath0)
- LAN_IBG1 (ibg1)
- LAN (BRIDGE0) -> which is the bridge between ath0 and ibg1
From the "Diagnostic" of the Server I can ping the Client using as "Source Address" the following:
and I cannot from:
- localhost
- WAN (of course which is correct)
Same from the Server shell I can connect to devices on the client network but not viceversa.
The firewall has the following rules:
- WAN: allow only traffic for VPN
- LAN: anti lockout rule
- LAN: all traffic from LANnet allowed
- WIFI: no rule
- LAN_IBG: no rule
- OPENVPN: all traffic allowed
What am I missing?
Kind regards,