How to block youtube without blocking google.
I'm on pfsense 2.4.4
I would like to block youtube without blocking google and gmail.
indeed I can block google using pfblockerNG. But when I do so, all the google services too are blocked because they use the same servers I assume.Can someone advise me how to procede please.
Is this for a work/corporate environment, or at home?
If at work, a company internet policy set in place is A LOT more effective than firewall rules and network settings.
If at home, well... that's a little bit harder, 'cuz YouTube is basically on every fricking digital thing in your house. You could try throwing these domains into a block list on your LAN and see if it works.
Thanks for your answer. I'm going to try and I will let you know
@akuma1x not working for me, maybe beacause I am using pfsense