HAProxy Package broken / update to 2.4.4_3
This mutates to an wider problem :/ I am not able to use haproxy as smtp proxy (send-proxy). Something went terrible wrong with the latest update of pfsense. Also i can still not correct edit the proxy configs made by my own within the gui. the example here shows the behavior.
Hello, i can not edit the HAProxy Settings anymore. It always throws this error:
The following input errors were detected: This pool name has already been used. Pool names must be unique.
I wanted to edit only the Backend and now i am not able to. Version applies to: haproxy-devel 0.59_19
(also applies to the non development package)Ok i have found the problem:
Steps to reproduce:
- Edit Backend Pool (as soon the Pool opened for edit, it switches to another Backend-Pool name which i wasnt going to edit...)
- Copied the Backend-Pool from the edited Pool into the name back (made my modifications) and sucessfully saved it.
t.b.h. i'm not sure anything changed recently in how this part works.But i do see all my backends when editing them they show a url with a number as the id.. like
so it seems that 'something' in your config is maybe part of causing the issue.?. I do wonder how this came into existence..
When i add,clone or move a backend in the list it also gets a new 'id' number..Are you using any specific browser? Chrome and Firefox seem to work okay with my tests sofar. Though i must admit i have only checked on 2.4.4_2 and 2.5.0-dev at the moment..
i am using Chrome (cleared cache) or Safari. Both Browsers have the same problem. I can not edit any haproxy rules without jumping back to another rule. So something really messed up here. i wont touch the system until i am back from vacation but this is horrible. Thinking to downgrade to 2.4.4_2 and reinstall haproxy 0.59_18