--domain-alias checkbox not working
I tried to add a certificate via the domain-alias mode. It did not work and while reviewing the logs I noticed, that in the acme.sh call there was the --challenge-alias parameter. So I reviewed my configuration of that certificate and found everything correct but not working as expected.
I jumped on the firewall, edited the acme_sh.inc file to only allow --domain-alias mode and voila the certificate is there. My change was the following which is not a solution but a quick check to find out if everything else was correct:
acme_sh.inc:208: $aliasdirective = ($domain->challengedomain == "yes") ? "--domain-alias" : "--domain-alias";
I do not know how to debug acme package scripts to find out why the check $domain->challengedomain is not working but that should not be so difficult.
Can you please fix this issue? I gues its only like a typo somewhere.
Kind regards,