Dell R430 bge (Built-in Port Hangs ) & Captive Portal Stop working
@Gertjan yes its running on OPT1 interface. i have restarted system 3 times didn't fix the issue so only one thing i have changed in system tuneable mentioned by @kiokoman kern.ipc.soacceptqueue to 1024 . I deleted it and rebooted system and captive portal is back. Not sure if its related to captive portal.
@wazim4u said in Dell R430 bge (Built-in Port Hangs ) & Captive Portal Stop working:
Listen queue overflow: 193 already in queue awaiting acceptance (232 occurrences)
I would like to update changes i have made in case someone else is facing same issue now or in future to fix similar problems. given below is status after 2 Days System Running.
Captive Portal Status ( 2000+ Users )
Network Status ( so far only 1 Error )
Changes I've Made
1- In /boot/loader.conf.local - Add the following (created new file): for Broadcom NICkern.ipc.nmbclusters="1000000" hw.bge.tso_enable=0 hw.pci.enable_msix=0
2- In Interface/Portal ( Portal Interface bge2 ) Speed & Duplex select
1000baseT full-duplex
( Auto setting was giving some errors on Zyxel switch logs )
3- In /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
listen.backlog = 511 ( default )
listen.backlog = -1
php-fpm related errors gone after changing listen.backlog ( didn't get any till now in two days )
php-fpm errorkernel: sonewconn: pcb 0xfffff80130a2f0f0: Listen queue overflow: 193 already in queue awaiting acceptance (155 occurrences)
now only one issue i am sorting out related to nginx given below.
nginx: 2019/07/20 10:25:19 [alert] 95352#100567: send() failed (40: Message too long)