Has anyone gotten bridging on Hyper-V to work? Got a better idea for my setup?
Server 2019 Standard with Hyper-V Role ---------------------------------------------- | | | | NIC1 NIC2 & 3 NIC3 NIC4 WAN LAN OPT1 OPT2 (Switch Embedded Team) | | | | | | Access Point PC Hardware Switch | | | PC PC PC
I'm trying to bridge the NIC3 & NIC4 to the LAN team... or even just bridge NIC3 and NIC4 together on a different subnet. I cant get anything to go over the bridge interface. If I make each NIC a different subnet, that seems to work and I suppose that I could also team (in hyper-v) NIC 3 & 4 and make that one interface for pfsense the same way I have NIC 2 & 3.
anything to try would be helpful... perhaps a better solution would be to give each nic their own subnet and connect everything via vlans? (vlan 1 for wired, vlan 2 for wireless) I'm not exactly sure what the best approach is... or how to accomplish this
I may have figured out the problem with bridging... MAC address spoofing must be enabled on all the Hyper-V vswitches that are being bridged