Squid Reverse proxy error with https
I am new with squid and just wondering if anyone has come accross with this issue.
I am using pfsense 2.4.4-RELEASE-p3
I have configured reverse proxy with https website
Clients connect to the domain example.com (which is in the cloudflare) >> then cloudflare forwards the traffic to my pfsense >> pfsense squid proxy forwards the traffic to external public IP (which is working) however when the traffic reaches on my web server i get an error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied."
After checking from my web server i have notice that squid is requesting https://example.com/squid-internal-dynamic/netdb my web server instead of https://example.com/. i wonder if "squid-internal-dynamic/netdb" query is normal to be reaching my backend?
Anyone come accross with this? Appreciate if you can help.
By the way i am using windows server 2012 R2 with IIS installed for my web server and with http the proxy works fine its just affecting https.