Is there an HaProxy update planned in future Pfsense release ? Actual HaProxy package is fine but getting old and missing some needed features (like http2 on backends for example)
The binaries are getting updated on 2.5:
https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/687/commits/f058f5fce97f532ebb26f1383aef4bfef652283fNot planning to change the gui part.. but you can put the http2 options as advanced text options for both frontend bind's and backend servers in the webgui..
Thank you for the good news. No gui update is perfectly fine :) I already use http2 and aln on frontend this way.
Hi @PiBa you are maintaining HAproxy package? Can I ask you please?
- Why "stable" release still 1.7? The point many new people see develop and afraid of it. 1.8 is depracating... 1.7 is dinosaurs.
- Could you please update haproxy to 1.8.23. current 1.8.21 one has fresh CVE in http2 realization https://www.reddit.com/r/PFSENSE/comments/e5j6dc/haproxy_upgrade_needed_http2_cve201919330/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
- Could HAproxy begin support pfBlockerNG IP aliases? There is future are must have! https://www.reddit.com/r/PFSENSE/comments/d8zndd/haproxypfblockerng_future_request/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
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