Non-empty list considered an empty list in devel 2.2.5_26
Whenever pfBlockerNG-devel 2.2.5_26 pulls this list, the resulting table contains only '' entry. Could this be a syntax parsing issue? Thanks.
List source:
====================[ Empty Lists w/ ]================== WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt
$ wc -l /var/db/aliastables/pfB_WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt /var/db/pfblockerng/original/WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.orig /var/db/pfblockerng/deny/WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt 1 /var/db/aliastables/pfB_WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt 194 /var/db/pfblockerng/original/WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.orig 1 /var/db/pfblockerng/deny/WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt
I created a new category at Firewall\pfBlockerNG\IP\IPv4 and addded your source, duplicating the settings for the other categories, and it seemed to work OK.
WindowsSpyBlocker_v4.txt -
@provels Thanks for checking, how many entries do you see under Diagnostics\Tables\PfB_WindowsSpyBlocker_v4 Table
Also which version of pfBlockerNG-devel package are you using?
@sengork 164 entries. Using the _26 version.
I think I know what is going on. One of my other block lists already included this lists IP addresses (via an ASN list), so they must be interefering due to the deduplication list. After disabling dedupe and forcing a reload I can see the list as it should be.