Latest update seems to have failed on my test box. (Watchguard XCS)
Use caution
Just tried to update my testbox to the latest version of 2.5 snaps and seem to have lost the box. Im going to plug it into a monitor and see where it stops but I actually still hear the startup tunes.I will post what I find. YMMV
12/31 10:30am pacific time.
We're aware. Fix has already been committed, new snapshots will include the fix.
Thanks Jimp!
any workaround other than a reload?
You could hand edit the affected file and make the change by hand.
Thanks again..
Always good to renew my FreeBSD editing skills. :)
Back up and running.
2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Tue Dec 31 09:11:09 EST 2019