How to restart ipsec on renew of certificate
I try to find the way to restart my ipsec on renewal of the certificate. I find the action list but cannot find the right info to put in the command text field.
Any idea on how to to it ?
Jonathan -
One of these should work:
- Method = Restart Local Service, Command =
(This may be enough to refresh the IPsec config, but it's not a full restart) - Method = PHP Command, Command =
(This may fail since it may not have the right required libraries) - Method = Shell Command, Command =
/usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php playback restartipsec
(This may fail since the ACME script which starts the command is PHP, and launching pfSsh.php from within PHP doesn't always work) - Method = PHP Command, Command =
(If the shell command fails, this should work instead)
- Method = Restart Local Service, Command =