Packet Capture with pfsync protocol - Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /root/packetcapture.cap
Capturing sync interface with pfsync protocol i get the error:
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /root/packetcapture.cap in /usr/local/www/diag_packet_capture.php on line 588
Other protocols seems working fine.
pfSense: .5.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) - built on Fri Jan 10 18:23:55 EST 2020
I'm seeing that here as well. It also fails on 2.4.4-p3 just silently -- it never captures anything because the tcpdump syntax is invalid.
I'm working on a fix:
In the version of pfSense below, With the combination Address family: IPv4 and ARP protocol i have the same warning as above. Sorry i do not have tested that combination.
The protocol pfsync is OK with the IPV4 or any (earlierversion with ipv4 fails).
pfSense: 2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) - built on Mon Jan 13 15:47:12 EST 2020
That's an invalid selection, though input validation isn't checking for it and it should. It rejects IPv6 and ARP but not IPv4 and ARP. (ARP is neither, technically)
I did also find a way to eliminate that PHP error, though.