ipsec PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ipsec_setup_proposal_algo(), 4 passed
After update build :
2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Fri Feb 07 20:07:31 EST 2020
FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p10PHP Errors:
[08-Feb-2020 09:29:00 Europe/Paris] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ipsec_setup_proposal_algo(), 4 passed in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1922 and exactly 5 expected in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc:1862
Stack trace:
#0 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(1922): ipsec_setup_proposal_algo('aes128gcm', '128', '', '14')
#1 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2224): ipsec_setup_proposal_entry(Array, Array, 'aes128gcm', '128')
#2 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2629): ipsec_setup_tunnels()
#3 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(1051): ipsec_configure()
#4 /etc/inc/service-utils.inc(638): ipsec_force_reload()
#5 /usr/local/pkg/servicewatchdog.inc(107): service_control_start('ipsec', Array)
#6 /usr/local/pkg/servicewatchdog_cron.php(29): servicewatchdog_check_services()
#7 {main}
thrown in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1862
[08-Feb-2020 09:30:00 Europe/Paris] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ipsec_setup_proposal_algo(), 4 passed in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1922 and exactly 5 expected in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc:1862Thanks
apply config, this is message :
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ipsec_setup_proposal_algo(), 4 passed in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1922 and exactly 5 expected in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc:1862 Stack trace: #0 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(1922): ipsec_setup_proposal_algo('aes128gcm', '128', '', '14') #1 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2224): ipsec_setup_proposal_entry(Array, Array, 'aes128gcm', '128') #2 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2629): ipsec_setup_tunnels() #3 /usr/local/www/vpn_ipsec.php(49): ipsec_configure() #4 {main} thrown in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1862 PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /etc/inc/ipsec.inc, Line: 1862, Message: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function ipsec_setup_proposal_algo(), 4 passed in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc on line 1922 and exactly 5 expected in /etc/inc/ipsec.inc:1862 Stack trace: #0 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(1922): ipsec_setup_proposal_algo('aes128gcm', '128', '', '14') #1 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2224): ipsec_setup_proposal_entry(Array, Array, 'aes128gcm', '128') #2 /etc/inc/ipsec.inc(2629): ipsec_setup_tunnels() #3 /usr/local/www/vpn_ipsec.php(49): ipsec_configure() #4 {main} thrown
You have three options:
You can select at least one hash algorithm in the IPsec Phase 2 entry
Apply this patch: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/4188
System patches link: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/4188/commits/ffcfddc6796f3b37104b3eb9e308710c02dcc099 -
Update to the latest 2.5 snapshot when it released
HI Viktor,
Thanks for the repply, I choose option 3.
best regards,