captive portal and no internet after authentication.
@roundcube222 said in captive portal and no internet after authentication.:
Maybe there is some bug when using the captive on LAN ?
Using 2.4.4-p3 ? That explains your issue ? Then why all my clients (hotel Wifi network) are connected to the Internet using the very same code ?
Between your system, and min, only the settings are different.
The system - the code - is the same.My guide line was the video mentioned above.
Your issue isn't probably Captive portal related : Your LAN firewall rules are not taken in account anymore when you activate the captive portal : the default terminating Block all rules is hit, like the other, your GUI rules, do not exist any more.
I can't explain that.Any ideas, @free4 ?
Maybe this bug happens only if you make the portal on the LAN ?While your portal is on the WiFi interface ?
@roundcube222 said in captive portal and no internet after authentication.:
While your portal is on the WiFi interface ?
Any other NIC on pfSense not being declared as "WAN" will get called OPT1, OPT2, OPT3 and is basicly a LAN with one 'minor' exception : no default PASS rule, so it blocks by default (with another exception : they will pass DHCP related stuff) etc. You can rename them, if you which.
Like "WiFi " or, "Portal" as I did.I can activate a portal on my LAN if I want to - for testing purposes.
I'll do that right now, and report back, give me 5 minutes.back.
Well, that was impressive. I really managed to break the inter Internet connection for all my LAN devices. Activating a portal is very radical.
The easy of setting up a basic the captive portal is impressive : A click, give it a name and description, another click for the save and another for the activation (somewhat in that order). I used the local build-in user data base (already populated with some users which have a granted portal access ).
Then saving all this, I closed my browser.Waited 10 seconds and fired it up again. Immediately I was present with a message :
clickIt's Firefox, using the french language saying to me that I need to connect using an account if I want to access the Internet. Hit the button on the right gave me direct access to the default blue pfSense captive portal login page. Never saw that one before ! I'm normally use my own, branded login page(s).
When I entered a user (= admin), allowed to use the portal, and the password, I saw the small word "Succes" in the upper left corner. After that, going to worked just fine.
So, yes, a captive portal on LAN works just fine, although very not useful for a basic company network.
On what device are you running pfSense ?
@roundcube222 said in captive portal and no internet after authentication.:
I am using VMware with 2 NIC
That just doubles the list with possible issues. And isn't something you should not omit to mention when asking question.
It , a VM, can works of cours,I use a pfSense from a Hyper-V VM, build into Windows Pro right out of the box. I had some virtual NIC issues at first (sound familiar ?), though, at first, mostly because I didn't RTFM first.
If you have a spare drive - some small 10+ Gbytes disk size will do, take the actual disk out of your PC, install the spare (to be emptied) disk into your system, and install pfSense bare-bone, from scratch.
It's worth a try.Because you know it : it's not pfSEnse, your issue.