be honest are you worried about corona
now trump is trying to blame china for the virus, what does it appear here is that he is trying to move the attention from his doing (or not doing / inability to do) to something else. i don't think it's the time to point the finger to someone, we can eventually do it later, but he should focus on solving the problem. the impression it gives is that of a child crying out of spite
@kiokoman That's his game. Every success is his alone, every failure someone else's.
PS - 30,000,000 out of work. Bills going unpaid, employer health insurance being lost, trillions more in national debt.
@provels said in be honest are you worried about corona:
USA #1
70,000 dead
1,200,000 cases
We always have refrigerated tractor trailers at hospitals and corpses rotting in rental trucks.
Trump - 2020?There is not a single refrigerated tractor trailer truck at the hospitals in my state and not a single report of corpses rotting in rental trucks. If such a situation exists in your state, maybe it is more likely a reflection on the political leadership at your state or local level as opposed to the leadership at the national level. If it were solely the failing on some part from the Federal government leadership, I would expect all the states to have the issue.
This virus is more of a regional problem where some areas are more adversely impacted than others. For the highly impacted areas you can take extra and more agressive containment measures. In particular, as would really be expected, densely populated areas (read that as major metropolitan areas) are more heavily impacted than more rural areas. So use the social distancing, forced shelter-in-place orders and other things in those areas.
This all goes back to my original premise above about what the news organizations love to report. That is the "most negative view" of something.
These are Americans, too. -
@provels said in be honest are you worried about corona:
These are Americans, too.Please find in my original post where I said they were not Americans. I was simply pointing out the issue appears to be highly regional. And regional issues are generally considered to be the responsibility first of the local governments.
@bmeeks I find you inferring that if it doesn't affect me, it's not my problem.
Go back to work, plenty available in the slaughterhouses, with 25% of production offline. If you live in Bumfuck, TX with more veterinarians than MDs, and the virus hits, this could just as easily be you. -
annnnd this is crossing the line into politics. We are not going to solve that here.
@stephenw10 Daaaaadddddd!!!!
Scrooge probably said it best: "If they would rather die, . . . they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."
I mean this is off-topic so most things go but probably better to start a new thread if you really want to get into an argument neither side can ever win. At least that way I can just avoid it.
Stephen is right, let's maintain the off-topic discussion to general information and leave the political matter to others forum.
the situation is similar to what we have here, we have 3 regions highly impacted but all the nation is on lockdown, but that was necessary to prevent the virus from spreading out of these regions. most of the other regions' infection was due to people migrating back to home from nord Italy to south Italy.
I'm sure that everyone saw all the trucks that were starting from Bergamo full of corpses, that was an isolated case, with this I don't want to minimize the problem, but I suppose it's the same situation on new york and in other highly populated areas. -
I hope this disease has a cure soon. I live in New York and the situation here is delicate. Take care of yourselves
@stephenw10 @bmeeks Disappointing that there is a "side" to this. There is nothing remaining that hasn't been turned into a divisive issue, a culture war. Even knowable facts are argued about and ever more ridiculous lies told to obfuscate reality. Shameful what has become of our public discourse.
I have no doubt that someone will now argue that it isn't "our" public discourse but only that of the "other".
I hate this covid-19 because i lost god job when this pandemia has started, i think that this virus has caused many problems to everyone without infecting them - it just has destroyed our lives
Unemployment figures are likely to get worse, too. I have read that those employees that are in a "furloughed" status are still counted as "employed" in the weekly figures. The stock market is social distancing from reality, mos def.
<RANT>I'm much more worried about where this is all heading. When it first started, there was no information, but now that it has been going for several months the indication is that the elderly/vulnerable need to take precautions and the rest of the world needs to get back to living.
The Censorship is equally troubling. Truth will survive any amount of debate/questioning - Lies/BS fall apart. The FDA/CDC/Big Pharma all have a history of criminal behavior and as such need a level of scrutiny and oversight at a much higher level than is currently happening. (No one in their right mind would allow a pedophile to be in the presence of children unless that person was very closely supervised!)
The undisputed facts that the last two generations of children have allergies, autoimmune diseases, and developmental issues that were very rare 50 years ago and parents bring healthy children in for vaccination and within a very short period of time the child's health degenerates and the medical trade dismisses them indicate something is severely wrong with medical care today.
It would appear that the agenda is to sell vaccines. By definition a new vaccine will not have time to undergo long term testing and may well kill many times more people than the virus while Big Pharma Executives line their product.
Bottom line health care needs to be much more Open Source!</RANT>
Vaccination .... true, that would be great.
And while they are at it, is there news from the AIDS, Influenze, Yellow fever, Dengue and the Hepatitis family front ? Just to name a few.
Oh... hundred of billion $(€) have already been invested but nada ... ... several hundreds of millions died already. More bearable because it happens mostly "elsewhere", or because we get used to it ?A vaccin isn't always found ...
@Gertjan said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Vaccination .... true, that would be great.
And while they are at it, is there news from the AIDS, Influenze, Yellow fever, Dengue and the Hepatitis family front ? Just to name a few.
Oh... hundred of billion $(€) have already been invested but nada ... ... several hundreds of millions died already. More bearable because it happens mostly "elsewhere", or because we get used to it ?A vaccin isn't always found ...
Just to be clear my stance is not to push a vaccine... in fact as you said lots of money/effort has been focused on other illnesses without positive results. My point is that I don't want to see millions of people (myself included) forced to be guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry. Legally prescribed drugs kill more Americans every year than 911, while other cheap/effective solutions for many chronic conditions are actively denigrated.
I just watched a program about COVID and the vastly different conditions in NY, vs NH. Population density/influx of travellers clearly had a huge impact, but from what I observed in that documentary the health (due to poor economic status and/or unhealthy lifestyle) of a vast majority of the people was poor - malnutrition, morbid obesity and likely a lot of other "non-visible" issues because they can't afford health care--that's what lead to a much higher death rate.
What do u think now still a little bit .
@habil said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Given that we don't have refrigerator trucks full of bodies, I'm getting less worried.
The WHO can't even get their story straight..... anything other than the party line gets censored.... my BS meter is going off!
i hope people that all of you are healthy and will never get infected by corona but its not a joke see the brazil news - during one days 46 000 people have got sick with covid-19!!