RRD graph suggestion: blocked pps
I wanted to make a suggestion for the "packets" graphing section. I have a Soekris 5501 that's been on firewall duty for a long time. It's been running OpenBSD till very recently. I used to do a number of things with it, and I find that the only thing I really miss having is a "blocked packets per second" RRD graph. I've found having a graph of blocked packets per second very useful, especially for detecting portscans. I know snort can sort of do the same thing, but it's way too prone to false positives for my taste. in my opinion, seeing a massive spike in blokced pps over a very short period in time is a dead giveaway, and I miss being able to scan over my graphs and see it. Would it be difficult to implement such a thing? perhaps a dropdown in the "packets" section of the RRD graphs for "blocked" in and out.
pfSense simply provides a "GUI" to the RRDtool.
If you want new functionality you better look here: http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/ -
In 2.0 there is not sure it was backported.
It is only in 2.0 since it requires rather intrusive reworking of the RRD file format and layout as well as changes in the backend and front end.