HAProxy Issue on 2.4.5?
I have a Firebox M400 running 2.4.5-release, I installed HAProxy on it 0.60_4 (18-1.8.25) and added my front and back end set to it from my previous pfSense router, manually typing in the data.
The issue is when I got the HAProxy screen I get this error in yellow "Multiple primary frontends with the same IP:Port..." Its lists my address as IP:PORT. looking back at my old pfsense it shows WAN address (IPv4):port so I am confused and I am not sure why it doesn't display the correct info like it does on my older pfSense router??
If you configure one frontend on 'WAN-IP:80' and a other frontend on your actual public ip like ''. then they should still be reported as conflicting, as it does..So I'm not sure what your reporting as an issue here.?. ,but the warning tells that your configuration is (likely) wrong. it was wrong on the old version, its still wrong on the new version.. so my idea would be 'fix the config'?
(or are you really really really intentionally configuring multiple binds for the same ip:port ?)
@PiBa The problem is even though I have HAProxy (and I removed it and reinstalled it) set to WAN address (IPV4) under the "External address" which is how it was setup in my 2.4.3 SmoothWall router (went that to setup the new M400) HAProxy doesn't set it to "WAN address (IPV4):80" lets say. It instead sets it to "myexternalip:80".
Also I noticed after setting up HAProxy that the rules on the firewall are never created, I had to create them manually, and I may have had to do that on the previous firewall but I just cannot remember because its been running a long time.
I still don't understand the problem. Haproxy needs a IP to listen on.. Do you still have the old SmoothWall box? Can you check what the contents of haproxy.cfg was there? And besides that, if it warns i'm pretty sure there is actually something configured wrongly.. Perhaps can you share the current haproxy.cfg file? (its okay to partially obfuscate public ip's and domainnames you have in there as long as its done consistently..)