pfSsh.php playback not stopping clients
Im trying to stop a specific VPN client I have running on PfSense 2.4.5.
Im using the command pfSsh.php playback svc stop OpenVPN client 4
I get a confirmation that OpenVPN has been stopped. But the status in the webUI shows as running as do the logs.
When I click the stop button in the webUI the specific service does stop, and with the command ps uxaww | grep openvpn I can see the specific (in this case 4 - /var/etc/openvpn/client4.conf) is no longer listed.
Any thoughts on what Im doing wrong?!
uppercase/lowercase are important.
good:pfSsh.php playback svc stop openvpn client #
not good:
pfSsh.php playback svc stop OpenVPN client #
there is no check on what you write , it always say service stopped even if you write random stuff
[2.4.5-RELEASE][root@pfSense.trmultiservice.lab]/root: pfSsh.php playback svc stop adasdasd Attempting to issue stop to adasdasd service... adasdasd has been stopped.
@kiokoman said in pfSsh.php playback not stopping clients:
op OpenVPN client #
Thank you so much! Works now.