Remote openVPN phone setup that need to exit on a different firewall
Hi All,
I have an unusual situation where I have remote users' phones hitting a PFSense firewall and are moved to the VoIP (LAN) network. The call manager is cloud based and need the remote phones to register from another firewall. In other words the call setup comes in the PFS and is moved to the main firewall and the registration happens from the other firewll. This is done so the call can be recorded with an onsite call recorder. The VPN connection seems to work fine but can't register causing the phones to reboot and then it goes out the WAN side of the PFS and the traffic moves off the VoIP network and isn't recorded. I've looked at routing and NATing but see nowhere I can force the traffic to exit via the other firewall based on sourse IP. I have thought about pointing the PFS LAN default gateway to the LAN side of the other firewall (both LAN ports are on the VoIP network). Does anyone have any thoughts on this. Thanks
@gpeting Here is the configuration I've put into place. I see the VPN tunnel up and the first IP Address in the pool assigned but the phone is unable to ping nor does the phone register.
OpenVPN server
General Information
Disabled - Unchecked
Server Mode - Remote Access (SSL/TLS)
Protocol – UDP on IPv4 only
Device Mode – tap-Layer 2 Tap Mode
Interface - WAN
Port - 1194
Description – OpenVPN Remote VoIP UsersCryptographic Settings
TLS Configuration – Use a TLS Key (2048 bit)
TLS Key – 2048 bit OpenVPN static key
TLS Key Usage Mode – TLS Authentication
TLS Keyidr direction – Use default direction
Peer Certificate Authority – NOLA CA
Peer Certificate Revocation List – None defined
Server Certificate – NOLA Yealink OVPN (Server: Yes, CA: NOLA CA, In Use
DH Parameter Length – 1024
ECHC Curve – Use Default
Encryption algorithm - AES-256-CBC (256-bit block)
Enable NCP – Checked
NCP Algorithms – AES-128-GCM
Auth degest algorithm – SHA 1 (160-bit)
Hardware Crypto – No Hardware Crypto Acceleration
Certificate Depth - One (Client+Server)Tunnel Settings
Ipv4 Tunnel Network - Blank
Ipv6 Tunnel Network - Blank
Bridge DHCP - Checked
Bridge Interface – LAN
Bridge Route Gateway – Unchecked
Server Bridge DHCP Start –
Server Bridge DHCP End –
Redirect IPv4 Gateway – Checked
Redirect IPv6 Gateway - Unchecked
IPv4 Local Network – Not shown when Redirect IPv4 Gateway is selected ( if unselected)
IPv6 Local Network - Blank
Concurrent connections - 50
Compression – Omit Preference (Use OpenVPN Default)
Push Compression - Unchecked
Type-of-Service - Unchecked
Inter-client communication - Unchecked
Duplicate Connections – UncheckedClient Settings
Dynamic IP - CheckedPing Settings
Inactive – 0
Ping method – Keepalive – User keepalive helper to define ping configuration
Interval – 10
Timeout – 60Advanced Client Settings
DNS Default Domain - Unchecked
DNS Server 1 – (LAN Gateway of SonicWALL FW)
DNS Server 2 –
DNS Server 3 –
DNS Server 4 - Blank
Block Outside DNS – Unchecked
Force DNS cache update – Unchecked
NTP Server enable – Unchecked
NetBIOS enable – UncheckedAdvanced Configuration
Custom Options – None specified
UDP Fast I/O – Unchecked
Exit Notify – Disabled
Send/Receive Buffer – Default
Gateway creation – Ipv4 only
Verbosity level – 3 (recommended) -
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[0_1588250229805_VoIP VLAN Problem.pdf](Uploading 100%)
Phones need to go our the SonicWALL to register. The voice traffic can't hairpin at the PFSense but needs to exit the SonicWALL so it will pass the Access Switch where the call recorder is connected.
@gpeting Have you downloaded Hotspotshield vpn app? I saw here some recommendations, tried it. I think you have already guessed that it doesn't work well. I chose American configuration, the only working one in Europe for free. But it works disgustingly. On all my devices, phone, tablet. Any ideas?
Howard, Thanks for the reply, interesting VPN App. Unfortunately the VPN is imbedded on a VoIP phone and is independent of the browser and heads to a different firewall. Due to how the network is configured I can't piggy back the phone on the PC VPN. Also the phones I am using can't be directly configured, they are configured using a .tar file. The Problem I'm having is I can move traffic the way I want using TUN mode but need TAR to preserver the ports (can't get TAR to work) and I see no way to force a 1:1 static NAT for multiple remote locations. I can set up NAT but it is dynamic only. Does anyone know if 1:1 static Inbound NAT can be configured?
You should run in TUN mode.
Policy route the incoming VoIP traffic from the phones on the OpenVPN interface to the Sonicwall.
Add a route on the Sonicwall back to the OpenVPN tunnel subnet.
No NAT needed, no problem with ports.
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@stephenw10 Steve, Thanks for the post, we are currently using TUN mode and the traffic is moving the way we want during call registration. When the Call Manager hands off the call for point to point is were the issue is coming in. The recorder we are using needs a RTP port in the range of 39xxx to listen to the call and a static IP Address on the phone to map the call to the employee. We see the DHCP assigned address on the tunnel setup and registration (trying to figure a way to get the phones to take a static IP without geting overwritten by the .tar file), but it looks like the call then NATs to the LAN IP on the PFSense and changes the RTP ports. It is also possible the point to point is hairpinning out the WAN interface, we will be testing to see if this is the case. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also we tried TAP mode but could never access the LAN, not sure if there was something missing in the config though.
If it's NATing to the LAN interface that's a bad outbound NAT setup. If your outbund NAT is still is automatic mode then you have a gateway defined on the LAN interface directly which is wrong. pfSense assumes it to be a WAN in auto mode if you do that. Remove the gateway from the LAN interface config. It can exist as a gateway in the LAN subnet so you can route to it.
@stephenw10 I included my LAN interface configuration. The gateway is the inside address of the other firewall. Where would I go to turn off the automatic mode on the NAT? Thanks,
You can do that in Firewall > NAT > Outbound. Switch to manual and remove the rules on LAN.
But the 'correct' solution here is to remove the gateway from Interfaces > LAN and add it back in System > Routing > Gateways.
@stephenw10 Steve, The solution worked. We successfully recored a call yesterday. Thank you very much for your help.
@stephenw10 Hello, we are having similar issues with our OpenVPN inside of pfSense. Would you mind helping with this?
What exactly are you seeing happen? What are you expecting to see?
We need as much info here as possible to get to a diagnosis.
@stephenw10 Phase 1 is negotiating, but no phase 2. looks like the call is no longer exiting out the correct firewall (SonicWALL) Phone isn't registering (Cloud based CM) Phone must come in PFSense (in TUN mode) on Tunnel Address and route through interal LAN (phone VLAN) to Second Firewall and register in the cloud. Once registered all calls must maintain this pathway without exiting the PFSense for call (needed to record calls) Note KevinM and I are with the same company
When you say Phase 1 and 2 you mean of the VoIP connection, not IPSec?
Are you seeing the traffic from the phone leaving the pfSense WAN directly rather than the interface to reach the Sonicwall? The states look correct?
Yes so we are clear the path here is:
Yealink Phone --<openvpn tun>-- [WAN] pfSense [LAN]------- Sonicwall---Cloud VoIP provider
And the phone(s) are at some remote location.
@stephenw10 Phase 1 n 2 for VoIP vis Open VPN. Doesn’t appear to be exiting out PFSence, but not seeing exit out SW either