TAP-Windows adapter error
I am trying to do an open VPN from a remote computer to an office LAN. When I try to connect I get the following error message on the remote computer: "All TAP-Windows adapters are currently in use" and the connection fails. What does this mean and how can I get around it? The remote computer is running Windows10.
Did you already try the most simple?
Uninstall the OpenVPN Client, Reboot, Install the latest OpenVPN Client (2.4.9)?-Rico
I "solved" the problem as follows: The operating system on my remote computer is Windows10 and my installed version of the TAP Windows adaptor is 9.25. In desperation, I also installed an older verson 9.21 which I found on the Internet. Suddenly the 9.25 adaptor started working and I have had no problems ever since. I can disable the 9.25 version, and the 9.21 version works. I can disable the 9.21 version and the 9.25 version works. Obviously I don't understand this but my VPN is working now and I can successfully communicate with the office from my remote computer.
I am not an operating system or networking expert and I don't understand all of the fine details of a VPN. But my simple VPN is working and I am happy.
Thanks to everybody who tried to help me.