Multiwan OK.Undefined problem with Captive portal on 1.2.3-20090517-2314
Hello there :)
I have installed pfsense yesterday using pfSense-1.2.3-20090517-2314.iso (from the 7.1 branch)
On my PC i have 5 NICS.
2 for multiwan.
1 for LAN
1 for a second lan called "Halls"
1 to monitor the machine from another lan subnet. (management interface)
I only need is to have load balance and captive portal enabled on LAN interface.
No squid, or any other service.
Just load balance and CP on LAN
(on the Halls interface i have setup a simple DHCP and a * to Loadbalance rule thats works OK.Nothing more to be done)
You can see a visual of the setup, below
You can also view the config xml from here
Regarding the multiwan i have read this and this
Load balance and failover works very well.
I forgot to write to the drawing that the ISP is the same on both wan connections.My problem is that the captive portal login page doesn't appear at all times.
I have to do a ramdom procedure of disabling/enabling the captive portal and change the interfaces on which it's enabled ,for it to work.
I haven't found a solid procedure yet for it to appear.
At any time if i hit from any PC on the LAN that CP doesn't normally appear,the CP login page appears and i can continue normally.
I have also applied this fix for peruserbandwidth and it works very well.
The CP just doesn't appear automatically.One other small problem i have is accessing Pfsense WEB Gui or SSH from "Management" interface (or "Halls")
I have configured web gui to use https to port 3737 and SSH enabled.
If i use a PC inside the LAN i can access both web gui and SSH.
I can't access it from "management" inteface (or "Halls" interface if that rings a bell). :)
Keep in mind that i was using a single wan v1.2.2 pfsense installation and i could manage it from any interface.Please excuse my bad english
Best RegardsP.S. i have changed the passwords on the xml config as well as the <htmltext>of cp login page</htmltext>