Strange Firewall rules behaviour with "sticky-connections"
Hello together,
i am using pfsense for a few years now and everything is running fine. I figured a strange firewall-multiwan error out which i cannot resolve by myself, maybe some could take a look into it?
I try to explain: I use a PPPoE connection as the main WAN gateway. I have added 3 OpenVPN connections and configured them as another gateway-goup with tier 1. I use both gateways with policy based routing with nat- and firewallrules. That works well, but, as from netgate described, it could make sometimes trouble with some connections. Thats why i wanted to check the box "use sticky connections". But when i checked it, it gives me error messages about wrong firewall rules.
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:928: sticky-address cannot be redefined - The line in question reads [928]: pass in quick on $VLAN_GUEST $GWVPN_Gateway inet proto icmp from $network_guest_vpn to any icmp-type { echorep,echoreq,paramprob,squench,timex,unreach } tag "vpntraffic" tracker 1568891569 keep state label "USER_RULE: Allow defined ICMP" @ 2020-06-26 12:28:12
This is the rule:
<rule> <id></id> <tracker>1568891569</tracker> <type>pass</type> <interface>opt2</interface> <ipprotocol>inet</ipprotocol> <tag>vpntraffic</tag> <tagged></tagged> <max></max> <max-src-nodes></max-src-nodes> <max-src-conn></max-src-conn> <max-src-states></max-src-states> <statetimeout></statetimeout> <statetype><![CDATA[keep state]]></statetype> <os></os> <protocol>icmp</protocol> <icmptype>echorep,echoreq,paramprob,squench,timex,unreach</icmptype> <source> <address>network_guest_vpn</address> </source> <destination> <any></any> </destination> <descr><![CDATA[Allow defined ICMP]]></descr> <gateway>VPN_Gateway</gateway> <created> <time>1568891569</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@ (Local Database)]]></username> </created> <updated> <time>1579638983</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@ (Local Database)]]></username> </updated>
The firewall-rule should be okay, it works without sticky connection really good. Then is just tried to delete my rule to see what happens, i have nearly the same rule for another interface too. As soon as i deleted it, the next rule shows an error..
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:1015: sticky-address cannot be redefined - The line in question reads [1015]: pass in quick on $VLAN_PRIVATE $GWVPN_Gateway inet proto icmp from $network_private_vpn to any icmp-type { echorep,echoreq,paramprob,squench,timex,unreach } tag "vpntraffic" tracker 1579638453 keep state label "USER_RULE: Allow defined ICMP" @ 2020-06-26 12:38:37
This is the rule:
<rule> <id></id> <tracker>1579017667</tracker> <type>pass</type> <interface>opt3</interface> <ipprotocol>inet</ipprotocol> <tag>nonvpntraffic</tag> <tagged></tagged> <max></max> <max-src-nodes></max-src-nodes> <max-src-conn></max-src-conn> <max-src-states></max-src-states> <statetimeout></statetimeout> <statetype><![CDATA[keep state]]></statetype> <os></os> <protocol>icmp</protocol> <icmptype>echorep,echoreq,paramprob,squench,timex,unreach</icmptype> <source> <address>network_private</address> </source> <destination> <any></any> </destination> <descr><![CDATA[Allow defined ICMP]]></descr> <gateway>WAN_PPPOE</gateway> <created> <time>1579017667</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@ (Local Database)]]></username> </created> <updated> <time>1579638306</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@ (Local Database)]]></username> </updated>
Also, the internet connection with my vpn-policy-based routing is broken, if sticky connections is enabled and i rebotted the pfsense. Maybe someone has an idea, whats wrong in here?
regards from germany
JodelMoe -
Can you attach screenshot of your firewall rules?
Need to check the order -
Sure, i also opened a bug report. The order is okay and makes sense.
If it would help you, i can upload the whole firewall-rules section. -
Thank you, I already reproduced this issue on my pfSense
seems pfctl icmp-type + sticky-address issue,
but only if you select icmp message types (icmp any
works fine)