arping between VLANs
I have a beginner's question:
I don't know if this is the right category
I have 4 interfaces where I have VLAN set up. Arping between LAN interfaces does not work for me. I searched the configuration but found nothing.when I start arping via diagnostics it works within the interface. But if I give a test between different interfaces then it doesn't work for me
pfsense 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1
You understand arp is L2 right, it wouldn't pass vlan boundary..
Are you saying bridged multiple interfaces together into the same vlan?
I always have one interface and more VLANs on it.
I don't have a bridged LAN interfacesThanks
VLANs are separate interfaces. So, if you have 4 VLANs as well as native then you have 5 interfaces. As for arp passing between VLANs, you can't get there from here.
The only way packets can pass between VLANs is through a router and routers don't pass L2 stuff.
thanks for the explanation
I have 5 physical interfaces
1 for WAN
4 for LANs and each has 2 VLANsThanks
Yeah that is great.. but if your in vlan X, you can't arp for something in vlan Y.. Doesn't work that way.. So its working as it should.