Issue with default IPV4 PR2 Feed (alienvault) since upgrading to 2.5.0.a.20200908.1850 [Resolved]
Keep getting the following error:
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:32: cannot define table pfB_PRI2_v4: too many elements. - The line in question reads [32]: table <pfB_PRI2_v4> persist file "/var/db/aliastables/pfB_PRI2_v4.txt
Looking at previous entries in the forum for this type of error and they say to bump up the number under System -> Advanced -> Firewall & Nat -> Firewall Maximum Table Entries. I'm up to 5,000,000 and still keep getting the error even though this feed only has about 275,000 entries.
Any ideas?
Resolution as follows:
System -> Advanced -> Firewall & Nat -> Firewall Maximum Table - bump up the figure (I'm set to 1,000,000).
System -> Advanced -> System Tunables. If there is an entry called "", change the number to match above. If an entry doesn't exist, create one.
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