Error when adding network range to Firewall Alias
When I try to add a new firewall alias as a network range, it looks like it is going to translate my range to separate entries when I hit the save key, but it does not populate the IP addresses, I get the following.
Am I entering things correctly here, I have tried as many different entries as I can think of ?
Use Type > Network(s) if you want to add a network.
I will have a play, but its asking for a class, so not sure what to do there.
When I try and enter hosts, it does say in the "hint" that its allowed as per:
Enter as many hosts as desired. Hosts must be specified by their IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN). FQDN hostnames are periodically re-resolved and updated. If multiple IPs are returned by a DNS query, all are used. An IP range such as or a small subnet such as may also be entered and a list of individual IP addresses will be generated.
I just saw this like you can enter a range