Left 4 Dead (source) server problems
I have read a bunch of threads and still am having problems…
People have joined and are playing, however when I try to connect to the server through the external IP (when I host a lobby with friends) instead of through the internal IP i am unable to connect. Is there a way to fix this? -
In Web GUI, go to System/Advanced/
Uncheck the box for Disable NAT Reflection.
Tried that :(
I was reading some more into it, perhaps this info will shed some light, I have squid and traffic shaping going.
I also enabled NAT reflection and deleted all port forwarding rules and rewrote them.
Actually as I write this the server is full and working fine, however I still cannot connect to it.
It is set to a static IP.
So right now I can connect via internal IP and play, not through ext IP. Everyone else can connect through ext IP. -
I have been looking more into this, does NAT reflection not work on ports greater than 500?
It does work on ports greater than 500.
It doesnt work on port-ranges greater than 500. -
That's my fault - either way bottom line is NAT reflection is not working for me on port 27016, is there a rule somewhere I need to add? I have a port forward rule and people are having no problems connecting to the server, I just cannot connect via public IP.
You still have the option to set up split DNS:
http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Why_can%27t_I_access_forwarded_ports_on_my_WAN_IP_from_my_LAN/OPTx_networks%3F -
Does that only work with domains or does it also work with IPs?
I think the answer to your question is no, although i'm not sure i understood what you want to ask