Squid proxy/url filtering and Office365 problems
I have the following problems with office365 and squid proxy/filtering: very often we have connectivity issues using office 365. In the logs of squid I have multiple 409 error code:
06.11.2020 17:23:33 TAG_NONE/409 outlook.office365.com:443
06.11.2020 17:17:51 TAG_NONE/409 self.events.data.microsoft.com:443
Could someone help me to solve the problem?
Thank you very much
PS: pfsense version is 2.4.4
You can create URL Table alias with the list of o365 addresses,
see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges?view=o365-worldwide
JSON formatted list: https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/worldwide?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7then enable transparent proxy and add this list to the "Bypass Proxy for These Destination IPs" field
@prx the 409 error is so annoying. I have the same issue here.
I also created a new thread about it.https://forum.netgate.com/topic/159364/squid-squidguard-none-409-and-dns-issue/1