May not be relevant but why is in the feed list of pfbdnsblsuppression.txt?
because we are all Shintoists.. jokes aside
this is not the right place to askthey are listed on
pfblockerng download and merge lists from varius sources
This IP has been flagged because have none valid FCrDNS.
Register a valid rDNS for this IP, which points to the same IP.
The rDNS must be registered under your own domain for you be able to delist it. -
Thanks Klokoman. Will reach out to spfbl. That domain is not mine. But my kid's school has provided that link to get info for a project :) Andy the spfbl is blocking it :D
BTW, i added that website in my dnsbl whitelist and then did force update. But, I still see it being blocked.
Another surprising thing is, before or after whitelisting, I was able to do nslookup on the above url (holycrossusa) or ping I am getting proper replies!
you can't do anything about that, spfbl will not listen to you, only the owner of the domain can remove that block
they must first correct that misconfiguration about rDNS
maybe it's faster if you add that domain to the white list of pfblockerng if you really need to go there -
I did but WL doesnt work even after forced update
When you whitelist using the Alerts tab, it will also whitelist the CNAME of the domain.
Remove you whitelist domain, do a Force Reload DNSBL, access the website, whitelist it using the Alerts tab.
When accessing the website, you may need to Refresh the browser, or restart the browser. Sometime you may have to flush the DNS cache on the device to reflect DNSBL changes.
Once whitelisting is done, do a Force Reload DNSBL again to see if you whitelisting remain effective after cron update.
This worked. Thanks Ron