Are there any caveats for [NAT-less]IPv6 floating rules?
I just was redoing my IPv6 ruleset for the millionth time when it hit me that I could very easily replicate it and expand/shrink it full interfaces at a time with floating.
My idea is: (1) pfBlockerNG's blanket
blocks, then (2) port-, dst-, port+dst-basedpass
rules and (3) a wildcardpass
. That's it! I still can restrict traffic out on the remote firewall that tunnels in/out IPv6. Currently I have a ton of these rules per interface, it would really help out.Except for blocks, I avoid floatings because they the lack of reply-to for NAT but there's no such thing in IPv6, kinda. And it only took me a few years realize that. That's progress.
Is there anything to look out for doing the v6 floating set? For instance, where do the predefined locations point to, like
This Firewall
, would that be each interface's address or something generalized like a link local address, e.g;fe80::1
? I'm a little fuzzy on link local addressing still, that's why I avoid it at all costs in favor of global addresses.Thanks for your help -- I'll start aliasing /64s in the exit firewall in the meantime--hosts are already done bc of inbound rules.