Captive Portal Voucher DB issue
I have recently upgraded 2.5 Development version to latest 2.5.0.a.20210107.2142 got issue with Voucher DB from one roll all active voucher marked as used. there was another issue that active users vs active voucher has big difference. Unable to understand this. I even did full backup and tried to backup from XML backup file still same.
@wazim4u said in Captive Portal Voucher DB issue:
I even did full backup and tried to backup from XML backup file still same.
The 2.4.5-p1 version uses DB files to store which roll/voucher has a usage records.
This information is not stored in the config (xml) file.
If I recall well, hese file should be backup in parallel with the config, and restored together.Dono if the 2.5.0 dev version works the same way, so better check this out.
@wazim4u said in Captive Portal Voucher DB issue:
there was another issue that active users vs active voucher has big difference
The two images lists the same vouchers <=> users.
@gertjan I copied db files as well. XML only takes the lists of vouchers then manually you have to copy the db files to db directory. Whenever upgraded never worked properly. there should be option to download vouchers database from backup page or it should make zip file including XML & voucher database files.
@wazim4u unable to reproduce your issue - I can successfully backup/restore Captive Portal Vouchers + Vouchers DB (extra data checkbox) on pfSense 2.5.0.a.20210202.2250
Could you provide more info about your configuration?
@viktor_g There was issue with HDD and I've replaced it with SSD and now everything works fine. Vouchers backup is working properly.